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Bridging loan at 96% of the Purchase Price on a residential property

Deal Structure

Loan to Purchase Price – 96%

Loan to Value – 70%

Arrangement fee – 2%

Interest rate – 11.5% per annum

Exit fee – 1%

Term – 12 months

Deal Summary

Our client is an experienced developer who had an option agreement to buy a house with a potential development plot in the garden for £890K.

During the period of the option agreement, the client managed to both obtain planning for a new build property in the garden, whilst also lining up the sale of that plot to a private buyer who wanted it to build their own house on. The private buyer purchased at £550K leaving £340K required towards the ‘overall’ purchase price.

The house was valued at £500K and our lender came in with a bespoke deal to provide a net facility of £325K (96% of the monies required to complete the purchase) with interest to be part serviced through the loan term to ensure the exposure did not exceed £350K (70% LTV). This allowed the client to retain a lot of their own funds for another project as opposed to tying them up in this scheme

The client had clearly manufactured a ‘good deal’ by lining contracts up to sell on the development plot to a ‘retail’ buyer at a full price on the day of completion – leaving them in an ‘undervalue’ position on the balance being paid across to the vendor for the existing house. Our lender recognised this and were delighted to provide the ‘96%’ facility.

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Positive Commercial Finance is a trading name of Business Financial Solutions Limited. Registered in England & Wales 06451075. Registered office address Bedford House, 60 Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4DA . Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (716012). Full members of the NACFB and FIBA. ICO registration reference Z1196910.

We are a credit broker, not a lender. We work with a panel of lenders who may pay us a commission. This amount varies between lenders.

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